Monday, March 23, 2009

Tour de Toile

Attic Gal Rachelle says:

I HEART Toile!  So when I saw that the Pretty Organizer was having a toile linking party today my heart skipped a beat.  If you love toile like I do, then head over to the Pretty Organized Palace to join the fun.  If you don't know what toile is, then pop over there and peruse around and you'll figure it out pretty quick.


And if you are visiting Out of the Attic for the first time, Welcome to our Attic!  I am Attic Gal Rachelle, and my partner in creative crime is Attic Gal Alysa.  To find out a bit more about us click here.  We hope you have fun digging around up in our Attic.

Well toile lovin' ladies, have I got some toile for you!

When I started taking stock of the toile in my life, I realized that I have toile in EVERY ROOM in my house (except, obviously the boys' rooms.  But if I thought I could get away with it in a cowboy room, or nautical room, I certainly would!)

Ready for the Tour de Toile?  Lets begin.

The Nursery:
When I was pregnant with baby #6, I found this absolutely opulent cream crib set, starring this gorgeous black toile bed skirt, at a garage sale for $30!  I had visions of a baby girl nursery with pink walls, and black and cream toile EVERYWHERE!  So, even though I didn't find out the sex of my baby, I snatched it up anyway.  I found the crib for $10 at another garage sale, and spray painted it black.  All ready for baby.  So when the baby girl I was certain was coming turned out to be boy #6, did I toss the black toile? Not on your life!  That baby slept his babydom away  in that crib, surrounded by toile, and I believe he will be a better man for it! 

 Earlier this month he turned three and moved into a big boy bed.  I tossed the crib, but I'm keeping the toile crib set just in case... (oh, I hope my hubby doesn't read that!)

And what about that pink room of my dreams?  Keep reading!

The Bathroom:

In the guest bathroom I have a stack of blue toile hatboxes, filled with, what else? Toilet paper.  So if you every drop by for a visit, need to use the powder room, and find a bare roll, remember to look in the hatboxes, conveniently located next to the toilet.

The Dining Room:
More hat boxes, these ones red and cream toile, sit atop the china cabinet.

The huge table cloth is a reverse red toile that looks perfect with my collection of red transfer ware that I have collected over the years.

The Hallway:

I have an ancestor wall in the entry hallway, that includes three of these collage frames with gold toile mats.

Grandma and Grandpa look so becoming in toile, don't you think?

The Kitchen:
OK, so I really don't have anything in the kitchen that is toile since the decor revolves around my collection of vintage printed tablecloths (remind me to do a post on those sometime), but I do have this super cute apron that I found at Ross just last week for only $8!  I don't really think it is actually toile, but close enough, and so cute I had to post it anyway.  It makes me want to put on a string of pearls and meet my hubby at the door with a loaf of fresh baked bread and fried chicken (except I don't want to get grease anywhere near this darling no fried chicken unless I get another apron to cover up this apron.  Hmmm)

My Bedroom:

This is my corner of the world from whence I do all my blogging.  Of course I have to have toile here.  A Target clearance toile slipcover hides a tired old ladder back chair at my flip down top desk.

But no Tour de Toile would be complete without a peek into the sanctuary of femininity that pays homage to all things Toile de Jouy... the pink room!

The Pink Room:

Remember the girl room I envisioned for baby girl that never came?  Well, I did it anyway - just for ME!  It is my toile-licious craft room/studio and my favorite place on earth! (OK, I might like it more if it was located in a villa in Tuscany.  But its not, and I still love every inch of it!)  I won't show you all of it right now, just the toile-y stuff.

I made the curtains out of black toile fabric and trimmed it with black grosgrain ribbon...

then tied it back with big antique bone buttons.

I wanted to cover the window seat cushion in this striped fabric, but there wasn't quite enough fabric, so I sewed it into a sleeve with ribbon ties, then just tucked a piece of toile fabric on each end to cover the exposed upholstery foam.  I love the look.

I ditched the stupid sliding mirror doors on the closet, and made toile curtains instead.  They make the contents of the closet much more accessible.  All my fabric was found clearance, so the window fabric was different from the closet fabric, but since they are across the room from each other, nobody even notices.

A toile-ish clock.

Like my toile storage drawers?

The ribbon pull tabs on the drawers are labeled with homemade metal edged tags.
Wanna know how I made it?

I repurposed the small set of drawers I got at Ikea years ago, as you can see from the drawers on the top.  I didn't like the notches cut out of the tops of the drawer fronts, so I simply turned the drawers around and drilled holes for the ribbon pulls in the back sides.  Then painted everything black, and decoupaged on some toile wrapping paper I discovered serendipitously at the dollar store.

More drawers done the same way.

A toile frame.  It's OK.  That's the baby who is used be swathed in toile.

My inspiration board was an old frame I picked up for a buck at a garage sale.  I cut a piece of plywood backing, and with some batting, ribbon, upholstery tacks and a leftover piece of toile, I made a perfect place to display my pretties.

Romantic tolie band boxes, another garage sale find.

I also found this toile shade at a garage sale and trimmed it up with a little glitz and glam, just like I like it.

A stack of toile file folders make any office special.

Attic Gal Alysa gave me these Anna Griffith toile file folders.  Too pretty to file away, they sit out all the time.

For extra seating when the girlfriends come over to craft, I recovered the rotting fabric on these old folding card table chairs - toile on the seats, and pink brocade underneath.  I LOVE these chairs!  $3 for the pair!

Another chair for the room.  It was ugly and cheap, but with a little black spray paint and a little toile, it is now a throne fit for the Queen (that's me, by the way.)

Well, that's just a peak into my pink room.  I'll show you the whole room all in another post sometime, OK?

Oh, and being a stamper, I even have my share of toile stamps.  Stampin' Up had some great toile inspired stamps.  Unfortunately they have discontinued all of them, but if you can get a hold of 'Serendipity', 'Toile Blossems,' or 'Avian Toile', then you can stamp up all the toile you want.  Here is a linen photo album I stamped up years ago.

Just last night I was feeling inspired so I stamped this toile inspired wood clock, then trimmed it off with two kinds of grosgrain ribbon, an antique hand carved bone button, and a pearl.  I love the bird.  It gives a new meaning to "time flies."

And that completes Out of the Attic's Tour de Toile.  But all of this came out of Rachelle's Attic, you say.  What about Attic Gal Alysa?  The funny thing is as much as Alysa professes to love toile, she doesn't have a stitch of it in her house!  Alysa, girl, you better get over to the Pretty Organized Palace, because she's throwing quite a posh shindig (and I hear she has chocolate),  and start clicking on links until you get some inspiration.

Thanks for rummaging around in our decked out toile-licious attic today.  If you enjoyed yourself, please come back and dig around our attic again!

Happy toile-ing!


  1. O.M.G!!!!!!!!!! Can I please come to your house? Pretty, pretty, please? With some toile on top? I love your pink room. Adore it. Heart it with fairy dust and sparkles. I just want to sit in it and be happy. If I had a girl her room would soooooo look like that.

  2. I've always loved toile so this post was pure delight for me! Your pink room is cute with so many cute toile things. I really love those recovered folding chairs! I also love those red and cream hat boxes on top of the cabinet!


  3. Hi Rachelle,
    I Love all your toile! Very pretty lampshades. You have done a fabulous job! Thanks for sharing.


  4. Oh My 'Lanta! What a lovely room! I would be in toile heaven in your craft room. I recently made black and white toile curtains for our living room. Come check it out. Have a beautiful day!

  5. Oh, you have some of the lovliest toile treasures! I love them all! Now I KNOW I have to get more toile into my home after seeing all yours...beautiful! The Pink Room is all your attention to really does make such a difference as your pictures show. Thanks for sharing all this great toile! Susan

  6. Wow! All of your toile looks great. I really love the toile in the nursery. Wish I'd thought of that when my daughter was a baby! :-)

  7. I am so in love with ALL of your toile! How beautiful! Thank you for sharing.

  8. Lovely! I especially love the crib (black! You are a daring one!).

    I have a toile apron too but it was too dirty to post a picture of! LOL!

  9. You have got some serious toile going on in your house, and I love every bit of it...I really love the little toile bird clock! What a lovely creation!~!!

  10. Wow! You have so much toile and it looks beautiful in your home! Love the red apron!

  11. This is the first time I have visited your blog and I found it to be wonderful! Your "rescue" of the folding chairs is absolutely delightful. Thank you for sharing.

  12. Girl, you get the "girl with the most toile" award! I am in love with your black drawer cabinet. That is giving me some ideas. I have the same paper in a storage box just waiting to be used! Have a great week.

  13. I love all of your wonderful toile! I can't wait to see the full post on your craft studio! I am a toile lover too and have posted a toile post for todays party!

  14. Everything is GORGEOUS! So glad I found your blog!

  15. How many days did It take you to photograph all of that?!?! Girl, you're busy! I love love love the craft room. THe Toile nursery set? Why didn't we get those kinds of things with baby #1 instead of waiting for fancy stuff for baby #6? I could have put nice stuff to use for 6 children! Love your post. Thanks for joining in the soiree!

  16. I am so envious of your studio! I hope to do one for myself (a garage conversion) one day soon.


  17. Wow, you girls don't mess around - what an inspiring post!! I so wish I'd had the sense to do my nursery that way. Everything you have shown in just fantastic - thank you! I think I have to go do some projects now!! Cheers, Andrea

  18. Your toile is gorgeous! However, what I am really lusting over is the tile in your guest bath! Where did you get it?

  19. LOVE all your toile! I need some!!

  20. I love the Girl toile room. I invisioned that for a girls room too. But we got lucky and had a boy. lol. Sometimes think i could get way with blue toile in his room. hmmmmmm..Mishelle

  21. OMG! You and I are both crazy 'bout toile! But girl, think I should pass on the crown to you...luv-luv-luv your style!

  22. Hi Rachelle...

    Just following the Toile Party link over to your place...and so glad that I did!

    WOW...what a beautiful show of toile...toile in all kinds of colors...I love it! Loved the cute story about baby #6 being born a boy and swathed in toile! I absolutely agree, I think he'll be a better man for it, Girl! hehe!

    My very favorite is your pink, black & white toile Ladies Lounge...sooooo beautiful! I love all...alllll of the toile! You have some fabulous pieces!!! I can only hope that my little studio/office (my ladies lounge) will grow up to be just like yours someday! Thank you so much for sharing the toile...

    Happy Toile Day!
    Warmest wishes,

  23. Oh my I love all your toile. My hubby would never let me put toile in the house but I just snuck some in our laundry room, ha ha. LOVE IT.

  24. Oh dear! After clicking on your blog I can see that I've found another place to land regularly. Your home is gorgeous. I can't believe what you did with those chairs!

  25. So much fab toile! The frame matts are totally groovy :)

  26. I'm literally drooling right now. I saw so many things I looooved that I don't even know where to start. I think you may be my new hero. This is my first time at your blog but you can bet your bottom dollar that I'll be back.


  27. Wow - and I thought *I* had a lot of toile! Love every single piece of it. It's all beautiful. I think my favorite was the folding card table chairs. How cute!!! Thanks for all the great ideas!

  28. Has your family staged a toile intervention yet? LOL! What gorgeous rooms you have. I think my fave is the black toile and all the wonderful things you've done with it--lots of inspiration, thanks!

  29. great site! it is my first visit but i love it!

  30. I thought I had alot of toile! I love all of yours.

  31. This is my first time at your blog and I am in love with all your toile!


  32. Wow! You really do love toile! It's all so beautiful and I'm amazed at the number of projects you did yourself.

  33. LOVE the crib linens, and I am inspired by your makeover of the IKEA chest. I have one just about the same... hmmm....


  34. Oh, I just love all of your toile! I think the crib was so sweet and I would have left the black toile too! If I thought I could get away with it, I would have had a black toile spread for my son:) Love your chair cover and everything you have done. It's just perfect!

  35. I love these parties. I get to visit blogs I've never been to before. You are the queen of toile, girl. I am amazed at all the toile you have. Wonderful! Thanks for sharing. I'll be back.

  36. Love your amazing toile! I am even more smitten by it than before!

    Thanks for sharing.

    Debbykay at Rose Cottage Gardens and Farm

  37. Wow, you really DO heart Toile! Thank you for sharing so many photographs. I can't choose a favorite! ~Arleen @ Seasons for All at Home

  38. It is all beautiful! I love your home!

  39. Wow! You really have some great toile in your home. Love your blog too. You have a new follower!

  40. Any mother of 6 deserves all the toile you can get!!! Everything is charming. Sally

  41. I just found your page on Pretty Organized Palace. I absolutely love your toile! I have one little girl, but we wanted to have another baby and I had planned on using either blue or pink toile and brown in the room. My daughter is 10 and there still isn't a second baby. After reading your post, I think I'll just decorate the room in the pink and brown for ME! The 3rd bedroom in our house is my craft room, but I was waiting to decorate it for that baby...hmm???

  42. I love your blog and love the toile! I also wrote a post about all things toile!! Happy Renovations is my blog, check it out if you want!
