Attic Gal Rachelle says:

In dark corner of the witch's lair is a pile of old spell books and the bloody candelabra that the old hag reads them by.

I started with a old broken candelabra lamp that I found in a garage sale. First I removed the light fixtures and the wiring, then I carefully removed the crystals,
spray painted the whole thing black, then hung the crystals back on.

I have seen bloody candles for sale in stores, but they are very expensive. I had some used and broken white and off-white taper candles. I just used a lighter to drip red wax from another old candle I had all around the edge of the tapers. A five minute project!

The witch still has the bouquet given to her by a lover, long dead and gone. I used a great shaped silver vase that I found at a garage sale, and filled it with black flowers. I found the cheapest, ugliest flower picks I could find at the dollar store (the ones with the nasty netting are the best!) and spray painted them black.

I found the sheer spider web tablecloth after Halloween at Target (they have the best Halloween stuff!) I also used old tarnished silver trays and such to fill with various items. Don't polish them, whatever you do! I found the Tricks and Treats boxes free online. Just printed them off, cut them out, and stuck them together. The skull candle was a score at a
garage sale. When you burn it, blood runs from the eyes! (The boys are really looking forward to that!)
The bloody candelabra sits on a stack of old books I have collected at garage sales over the years. It doesn't matter what the subject matter is - if they are old with interesting covers and bindings, I'll take them.
Happy Spellmaking!
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